August 16, 2020

Too many times women with curves complain that their thighs are too big but the truth is that even if you had smaller thighs, you may still complain that your thighs are too big or complain that some other part of your body is too big.

When you keep picking on parts of your body that you don't like and you criticise your body, you will be riddled with self doubt, low self esteem and you will not feel confident in your own skin.

When you feel low and unconfident, it gives others room to criticise you, to judge you and to disrespect you. This is wrong and unacceptable but unfortunately we live in a society whereby people prey on the vulnerable and some people are so unkind. 

Today we want you to stop criticising your body and to embrace the body you have.

Look into the mirror and appreciate your body and tell yourself that you are beautiful just the way you are and that you are grateful to have the body you have.

Don't compare your body to another person's body, as all bodies are unique, beautiful and worthy of love and respect.

Be kind to yourself and you will feel so much more happier and confident in your own skin.

The next time you look at your thighs, remember the saying "thick thighs saves lives"🥰.

You definitely deserve to look and feel your best. "MY CURVE IS BEAUTIFUL" collection empowers you to embrace your curves, to have a unique style and to feel confident in your own skin. Click on this link to browse our collection.

Lot's of Love,


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