December 03, 2020

It is no secret that Winter Months can sometimes make you feel down. There is an actual medical term for this called "Seasonal Affective Disorder" also known as SAD.  Symptoms include low mood, irritability, depression etc. Let's not dwell on the negatives as this post is designed to lift you up and advise of ways to make you feel better.

1. Daylight hours: Even if you don't have anywhere to go, try and leave the house and get some daylight hours which instantly lifts your mood because of the illusion of Summer!

2. Exercise: If you can, do some form of exercise even if it is just a brisk walk, exercise releases endorphins which triggers positive feelings in your body.

3. Hobbies: Do things that make you happy whether it is catching up on your favourite show, cooking, knitting or maybe reading a book, whatever you enjoy doing, just do it.

4. Family & Friends: Keep in regular contact with friends and family more especially during these times of COVID-19 restrictions can be very isolating.

5. Boost Immunity: Eat well and sleep well to boost your immunity and reduce your risk of infections from flu viruses as having flu can really make you feel miserable. You can also that some vitamin supplements for added boost.

6. Self Care: Practice self-care which is different for everyone, some like to take nice, long baths, others like to eat more fruits, vegetables and drink lot's of water, others like to meditate or read the bible. Whatever floats your boat, just do it.

7. Update your wardrobe: Treat yourself as often as you can, this may include buying some nice winter clothing that will not only keep you warm but also make you feel good. You should also consider getting rid of old clothes to make room for new ones.

There are really so many things you can do and not everyone will do everything we have listed but at least doing some is better than nothing.

We hope that these tips have been helpful. Comment below and tell us what you do to feel your best during Winter Months.


Lot's of love,


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